I kinda thought Sei-Sien woulda got while the getting was good, but he was waiting with Ru-Zhera at the cart just like Lhan had told him. Unfortunately, the dumb-ass hadn’t had the foresight to turn the fucking thing around, so we were gonna have to cut a tight turn to make a run for the street. And the timing was gonna be tight too. As we jumped on and Lhan grabbed the reins, the entire arena flowed out after us like a tsunami wave. “Go go go!” “But, wait!” Ru-Zhera grabbed Lhan’s arm. “Where is Yal-Faen!” “Dead. Killed by the priests.” The old priest choked, but Sei-Sien only had eyes for the crowd. There were priests in the middle of it now. “By the One, what happened?” “The—the Al—the Ald—” I couldn’t get it out. Lhan took over. “The Aldhanan is dead. We were not in time.” Sei-Sien stared. “The—the Aldhanan is dead?” “Impossible.” The old priest was shaking his head. “Impossible.” I felt the same. How could a guy so alive be dead?