This book has an intriguing because it introduces a ghost. Rachel gets capitivated by searching for answers about the previous owners of Turtle Tear. When Merrick buys the sister property for his son Merrick Jr. boxes of information is found. The ghost wants to return to Turtle Tear but no one is sure how to make it happen. Then there is strife between Merrick and Rachel because he does not believe in ghosts and he sends her away to visit her mother. Both of them have some growing up to do and learn to manage their relationship. We will see how they progress in the next book. This was a sticky read for me in more ways than one. First it was Rachael speaking in the First Person. Then she would speak and think as "You",her lover Merrick. Creepy. Then I realized this is the end of a series. I'm sure this story would have been better if I had read the series from the beginning. I liked the addition of a ghost or technically a spirit as it was reacting to people. It had an ending that seemed very abrupt, to me. Check out the first books and give this book a try.
4 1/2 heartfelt stars, I am loving the return of Merrick and Rachael. Full review to follow!
I started this book and got no farther than the first 5 pages.
Full review to follow
Loved it again