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Taken - Plot & Excerpts

I’d ran her a bath after the last time I fucked her out on the patio and put her to bed after giving her some Tylenol for the pain she was sure to be feeling when she woke up.
I busied myself going over some paperwork for my last security detail and making some calls to my team, I was going to be taking some time off it seemed to spend with my new little fuck buddy.
I checked in on her and she was still asleep, she looked so innocent as she laid there curled up around a pillow, her cupid bow mouth opened slightly as she breathed evenly in sleep. Her red curls were spread out behind her and her body looked small in the big bed. That weird feeling happened in my chest again and I rubbed the spot even as I walked farther into the room as if somehow drawn there. Sitting on the bed next to her I ran my hand softly over her hair so as not to awaken her. She sighed and snuggled deeper into the bed and I leaned over and kissed her lips, I couldn’t seem to help myself. One kiss became two as the sleep soft sweetness of her lips drew me in deeper, soon I was kissing her awake my tongue licking the inside of her mouth until she came awake sucking on my tongue.

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