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Read Taken To The Edge (2000)

Taken to the Edge (2000)

Online Book

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Taken To The Edge (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I don't know why the author didn't just make this a long prologue for Edge of Sight. I get irritated having to go looking for a separate story then remembering to read it before I start the book. And of course I forgot to do that until I was about a quarter of the way in EoS and was wondering why Sam was so affected by Zach even though all they had was a short 3-week fuckathon before he left for Kuwait. Then I remembered this short prelude to the first in the Guardian Angelinos series was somewhere in my computer. Then I couldn't locate the file so I had to download it again but I couldn't find it on the author's site and had to google it. Finally found it then I had to upload it on my Sony. All for 23 pages >:Ah so. Well. Now I understand why Zach was unforgettable and why Sam's heart was broken after he left. And can you fall in love in just 3 weeks? I got engaged in 2, married in 8 so yeah, it happens even in real life.This definitely should have been included in Edge of Sight as its Prologue! I thought this was a great addition to the first book in the series that just came out. I read after the book and it really made me see Zach as a different person, emphasizing just how much war can change a person. Sam was different too, but in a different way. I am not sure whether to recommend to people to read this first or not. I almost think it is better to read after you read the book, as you can appreciate just how much these 2 fought for.

What do You think about Taken To The Edge (2000)?

Enjoyed this prequel. ..looking forward to reading Edge of Sight

Nice prequel to the book.

What Ruth said.

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