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Read Frostherz (2013)

Frostherz (2013)

Online Book

4.15 of 5 Votes: 1
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ivi Verlag

Frostherz (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

It was okay but I just found it predictable and Gwen is getting worse as a character- she seems to be making more and more dumb decisions and the author seems to be relying on Gwen to make dumb decisions and ignore the obvious to make the plot work- it's just annoying! I liked the Gwen who was smart and savvy and I want her back!I also think the author would cut back on the explanations- every book seems to start with a recap shoved in- I've read the previous books- I've heard about nike, gwen's mum, band geeks enough I already know that! get on with the story!The mythology aspect I really did enjoy but it feels less well planned and explained than it could, in the first few books it didn't really matter because the mythology wasn't such a big part but in this book the mythology just seemed a bit lacking.I probably will read the rest of the series but I hope it improves. Our story continues with Gwen seeking the Helheim Dagger's location as she tries to avert death due to reapers. 1. Action -- still a lot of action as somebody is always trying to kill Gwen. This time around, we have some new players in the game.2. More is revealed -- we learn a lot more about Daphne, Logan, Gwen, Grace, Grandma Frost, Reaper Girl, and many others. We also see some developments with Daphne's powers, Gwen's powers, Logan and Gwen's relationship, Gwen and Nike's relationship.3. Gwen gets a new sidekick and this sidekick made me happyIf you liked the other books, you will like this one too. It advances the story on many different fronts and introduces many new wrinkles into this Loki problem.

What do You think about Frostherz (2013)?

Ich fand es bis jetzt, das beste Buch in dieser Reihe!!!! *.* ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Cada vez más interesante.. Logan ♥_♥Pd: :( No quiero sufrir!!

It's a wonderful book, that captivates you

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3.5 stars

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