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Read Tempting Alibi

Tempting Alibi

Online Book

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Tempting Alibi - Plot & Excerpts

Her brothers weren’t supposed to stop by until Saturday and she wasn’t expecting anyone else. It was after dark and her family knew to call first. Of course they didn’t always listen. Her feet were silent along the wooden hallway until she reached the front door.
When she peered through the peephole, her heart skipped a beat. It was Scott. All six feet of him. He hadn’t been at the shop earlier when she’d picked up her car. One of his guys had given her little Volkswagen Beetle a clean bill of health—free of charge.
But Scott had been nowhere to be seen. The disappointment she’d experienced had been surprisingly acute.
Glancing down at herself, she cringed. She wore a pair of old, faded jeans, a plain white t-shirt and no bra. She thought about racing upstairs to put one on but was afraid he’d be gone by the time she got back.
Taking a calming breath, she opened the door. Her eyes widened when she realized he had a small bouquet of daffodils and a bottle of wine. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had given her flowers.

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