The plan changed slightly. Will picked me up after work and we headed to the bar Gerry works at. Only we found out he’d got shit faced drunk and gone home. We watched him stumble in half an hour ago, and I would bet anything he’s completely passed out by now. We plan to break in and take the picture while he’s asleep. Only this is better. I don’t have to pretend I like him for more than a second. I wasn’t sure if I could do it without squeezing my hands around his neck. I nod my head. He grips my hand, squeezing it reassuringly as we get out of the car. I take a deep breath as we creep towards his back door. Just as Will thought, his spare key is under the mat. How bloody predictable. He opens the door, it making an enormous creaking noise. I nearly pee my pants. ‘Ssssh!’ Will whispers accusingly. ‘I didn’t say anything!’ I hiss back. He places his hand at the small of my back, sending tingles down to my toes.