THAT WAS THE MILLENIUM THAT WAS (2010) - Plot & Excerpts
The Death of Rudolph Valentino. Because it was a "Chick Thing," and so was hysteria -- or at least it was assumed to be. I mean this literally. The word "hysteria" is directly related to hystera, the Greek word for "uterus." Seems the Greeks (who despite their large, meaty brains, had this penchant for presenting theories without the observational data to back them up) believed that hysteria was a condition of mental agitation brought on by "vapors" from the uterus. Show me a freaked-out woman, said the Greeks, and I'll show you someone with a belching womb. You think someone would have figured this one out eventually, but, eh, no. Well into the 19th century, "hysteria" was frequently diagnosed in women, and often the treatment was, shall we say, rather intimate. It involved "massaging" a particular nerve-filled area on a woman's body to "calm" her (men, if you can't figure out which area I'm talking about, you now know why you're so often alone on a Saturday night). In the 20th Century, the word passed into more general usage, and men were finally allowed to get just as "hysterical" as the gals, even without the previously-required womb.
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