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Read The Alien Artifact 6 (Part I)

The Alien Artifact 6 (Part I)

Online Book

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The Alien Artifact 6 (Part I) - Plot & Excerpts

Had they contacted the voyager with the telescope beneath the ice station?
Now that Weaver knew the situation he realized that it was worse! The technology, power, and size of the voyager was far greater than anything he thought mankind could ever create, and he could not even explain its existence!
All the scientists from the ice station were there and staggered, and some looked as though they were making plans to abandon the Antarctic!
The thing was a danger and indestructible, and had not been properly checked, and they had only been able to check a few of its basic functions from the two people who had entered it, and nobody had really shown any proper awareness of the function of it as far as he was concerned!
They had not found a way to activate its entrance into opening again and making contact with it, and that was the only final way of finding out what it was for. Yet they had Willis who was confident in doing it again, but totally refused to contact it unless there was a good reason!

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