The Amazing Story Of Quantum Mechanics (2010) - Plot & Excerpts
or “spin,” that can have only discrete values One of the most surprising discoveries made by physicists probing the inner workings of the atom was that electrons—subatomic particles that are the basic carriers of negative charge—also are little bar magnets, like those shown in Figure 10 in chapter 4. This intrinsic magnetic field is associated with a property called “spin,” though this term is a misnomer—while it does relate to intrinsic angular momentum, the magnetic field associated with the electron doesn’t really come from its spinning like a top. Nevertheless, when physicists refer to the internal magnetic field possessed by electrons (or protons or neutrons), they inevitably speak of the particle’s spin. A transistor modulates the current flowing through a semiconductor by the application of an electric field to an insulating slab on top of the conducting material. In this way the current flowing through the semiconductor is regulated through the electron’s negative charge.
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