The Beauty Of Humanity Movement (2010) - Plot & Excerpts
T is mortified by the erection that springs up in response to her hands. He remembers the way Phng looked her up and down as she walked toward them in the hotel lobby the other day, and his erection quickly leads to thoughts of what she might look like naked. He is forced to conjure up an unpleasant memory of the Australian who pissed off Phng in order to kill his erection before they arrive at the Chng Dng Bridge. This is not the best of Old Man Hng’s locations, given that people use the space under the bridge as a toilet and the smell of urine is very strong. Thankfully one forgets this as soon as one raises a steaming bowl to one’s nose, as T assures Maggie, standing in line behind his father. “Ah,” the old man says to Maggie. “You’ve finally come to me again. I was beginning to worry that perhaps you did not like my ph.” “She came with me,” T says proprietarily over Maggie’s shoulder. “I’m glad to see you have become friends,” says Hng, making T feel self-conscious.
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