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Read The Betrayal Of Natalie Hargrove

The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove

Online Book

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Penguin USA, Inc.

The Betrayal Of Natalie Hargrove - Plot & Excerpts

Midnight, at the falls, dress darkly and go quietly.
Today, I’d been the one to send the text, feeling uncharacteristically nervous even as I used the code we’d used countless times before. The difference was that usually Mike and I just went there to relax and spend some time together. Tonight, my agenda was a little more ambitious. This whole week had been one catastrophe after another, and even as I tried to start piecing together the fragments of a plan, I knew it wouldn’t feel real until I’d looped Mike in.
Okay was all he’d texted back.
When the full moon was high in the clear, dark sky and my mom had come home from her regular Wednesday night bowling date with the Dick—tipsy enough that she passed out in her clothes on top of the bed—I pulled a black turtleneck over my head and slunk out into the night.
We loved this waterfall. Mike had stumbled on it as a kid and had been coming here himself for years. He brought me here on our third date with a bottle of champagne and a picnic basket.

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