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Read The Bride Wore Size 12 (2013)

The Bride Wore Size 12 (2013)

Online Book

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0061734799 (ISBN13: 9780061734793)
William Morrow Paperbacks

The Bride Wore Size 12 (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

These books are so cute. They won't change the world or your life but they are a sweet read. Excellent to try to enjoy the last few nice days sitting outside reading before the weather turns cold. In this book Heather and Cooper are planning their wedding and Heather is preparing for a new year at the dorm. Up till this point the series has only covered a year, which I didn't realize. Anyway, someone dies in death dorm, as usual and Heather is trying to find the killer. Plus her wedding draws added stress thanks to an overhelpful bridesmaid inviting extra people, including her estranged mother.Like I said a solid read that I've come to expect from Meg Cabot. And Heather is a fun character to read about. This bok seems to be the end of the series but if it isn't going forward I would like to see the series jump forward a little so Heather can investigate crimes outside the dorm, possibly with Cooper in a Moonlighting type way. Does it means I have to say my goodbye to this series? Ah, I certainly don't want to :(((((Things started went romantically between Heather and Coop, but you ended it here Ms. Cabot? Ugh, I love you! Unlike the prequel which smooth from the beginning, this one face us straight to Fischer Hall as the Deathly-dorm-thing-y. Yep, an RA has found dead just before the semester even started. Ah, and Heather-Coop wedding plan doesn't go smoothly the way they think. Cooper's twins sister ruined the guest list by inviting Heather's Mom, How great, isn't it? The other problem with this Shiraz, I mean Prince Rascally Rashid and his bodyguard somehow make me accused him for getting involved for Jamie's death and a murdering attempt to Ripley, well they sure have a secret to kept but I give you a hint that the secret has nothing to do with violation at all. Not to mention Kaileigh and her nagging Mom about his daughter roomate, the slut, Ameera. Lisa and her pregnancy problem. Yeah, you got it? We face so many problem to solve here which make the storyline goes better.

What do You think about The Bride Wore Size 12 (2013)?

This may have been my favorite of the series, because of the addressing of mom issues and the realistic description of working with students (loving it but not always loving them individually). There were parts that were far-fetched, such as how reasonable and healthy she is in reaction to infertility (Heather has endometriosis, just like I did) and a co-worker's surprise pregnancy, and how she manages to shoot a gun and hit a guy's hand instead of his head or the hostage that he was holding, when she was aiming at his head. Of course, there is a lot about this series that is far-fetched, so I just let it go and enjoyed the ride.

I have mixed feelings about this one ... this is usually a fun quick read ... and I was really looking forward to the wedding drama. This story did not really begin until the 4th chapter and it seemed more meandering and less funny than the previous ones.I don't know if this is meant as a wrap-up of the Heather Wells series -- I hope not -- if there is a next one, I hope that Heather is able to recover her charm and wit.

A decent end to a good series...

Love these books

Ditsy but cute.

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