The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (2013) - Plot & Excerpts
I enjoyed these epilogues to the 8 original Bridgerton novels. Some were better than others, obviously, and none of these novellas really stood out as something worth re-reading, but I enjoyed them at the time. In a lot of cases, they added some closure to a plot thread Quinn might have left untied, which was nice. Of course, all the Bridgertons are blissfully happy and never ever have anything truly bad happen to them, so it was a very feel-good collection. Ya he acabado con todo los Bridgertons,como los voy a echar de menos,Me ha encantado desde el primer al último con todo sus epílogos,El único que me esperaba mas fue el libro de Frannie,el corazón de un Bridgertons...Para mi gusto fue el mas flojo,pero por lo demás...Perfecto...Gregory y Colin,me encanta y la Jacinta me parto con ella...Para desconectar de otros libros,para sacarte unas risas,son geniales,tiene de todo...
What do You think about The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (2013)?
aaaaaaaay como me hubiera gustado que Violet se hubiese quedado con el misterioso Sr de la máscara
Overall it was a nice "ending" to the series. Some of the stories were boring I got through
Perfect ending to the Bridgerton series.
Violet, ¡oh, Violet! Me hiciste llorar