He had been joined by three others, and all four stood at the edge of arrow range, baiting those inside the circle to expend the last of their ammunition. When they saw Pehr and Josep emerge from between the houses, they began hooting and snarling, gesturing to the hunters, inviting them out into the dark to battle. “Four is too many,” Pehr said. “Could we find others to help us?” Jace asked. Josep shook his head. “Would they abandon their families in order to embark upon a suicide run to save ours? I think not, Jace.” “Then we’ll need a distraction,” the boy said, and the five of them stood in silence for a moment, thinking. It was Nani who finally spoke up. “I would distract them,” she said. Pehr put a hand to his face, and Josep groaned. “No,” he said. “What do you mean, Nani?” Jace asked.