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Read The Cardturner

The Cardturner

Online Book

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Bloomsbury Publishing

The Cardturner - Plot & Excerpts

I don't know how many times I've mentioned Trapp's will and told you how sick he was. Yet I was stunned. I just couldn't believe it. What about the nationals?
    There's a different kind of will, the will to live. Gloria was probably right when she said the nationals had been keeping Trapp alive. Bridge had more to do with Trapp's recovery than any of Teodora's herbs or crystals. But then, when he couldn't remember whether he held a jack or a queen, his will was broken. And so he passed away.
    That was my theory, anyway, but what did I know? No more than Captain, probably less. I wondered what would happen to Captain.
    "Passed away" seemed like an appropriate way of putting it. Over the next few days, I had this recurring image of Trapp sitting at the bridge table. He reaches into the bidding box, removes a pass card, and places it on the table. Then he slowly vanishes.
    Leslie cried. Even though she'd never met our uncle, except as an infant, her tears did not surprise me.

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