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Read The Chessboard Queen (1997)

The Chessboard Queen (1997)

Online Book

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0312863918 (ISBN13: 9780312863913)
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The Chessboard Queen (1997) - Plot & Excerpts

In Guinevere, Sharan Newman told us the story of that lovely and legendary woman's childhood up until her wedding night. Guinevere is now the beautiful young wife and queen of King Arthur, a position much-coveted by all women of Camelot. But nothing in life is ever certain, and soon Guinevere discovers--most alarmingly--her deep and passionate love for another man: Lancelot, the most beloved Knight of the Round Table in all of Camelot. Here Sharan Newman brings the legend of Lancelot and Guinevere to life with the same blend of magic and history that has made her Catherine LeVendeur medieval mystery series such a success. As ambitious and striking as The Mists of Avalon and The Hollow Hills, The Chessboard Queen is a beautiful rendering of the world's most timeless romance, a tale of earthly passion and spiritual love like no other before or since.

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