This is not finished BUT I'm marking it as read and placing it in my 'not finished' pile of books on here. I just can't get into this book at all. I was drawn to it because of the cover and I like to read things to do with Chinese culture/people.But 50 or so pages in and they will still farting about in the Church...And I understand when stories start off slow...But this was just TOO slow for my likes. I couldn't see it picking up any sort of pace TBH. Not to mention I usually like mystery novels but I learnt more about ways to describe a man's adams apple than the mystery on hand about Tang. I'm currently on a path to try and minimise my collection of physical books and this was one of them. I'm not going to throw it away but it'll go into a pile that I'll come back to when I have nothing else to read...
What do You think about The Chinese Takeout (2008)?