The Chocolate Lovers' Club (2007) - Plot & Excerpts
I am a self confessed chocoholic and when looking for a new book in the library in the week how could I walk over Carole Mathews The Chocolate Lovers Club. I also saw whilst I was there The chocolate lovers diet by the same author and I wasn't sure which one to pick up. I am lucky I picked this one up as the Chocolate lovers diet I have now found out is a carry on from this book. I have previously read a book by Carole Mathews and I have to admit I was really not a fan, but with a title like this how could I walk past it!. The Chocolate lovers club consist of four women, Lucy, Autumn, Nadia and Chantal. Lucy is the main character of the book, which is written from her point of view. She has been in a relationship with the cheating Marcus for a long time and at the beginning of the book she finds him cheating again and calls an emergency gathering with the girls at chocolate heaven. This is where we are introduced to the girls for the first time. Autumn is a hippy kind of girl who works with drug addicts and is single and loves dark chocolate. Nadia is the only member of the club with a young son, she finds the chocolate club like a refuge for her. Lastly we have Chantal who is a confident American woman who is having problems with her husband who no longer wants to sleep with her. The ladies all share the same love of chocolate and regularly meet up and Chocolate Heaven to eat and drink handmade chocolate and to socialise and help each other out in their times of crisis. All four of the girls are lovable characters and are described adequately enough for you to relate with them. The girls come head to head with many problems between the through the book including cheating boyfriends, crushes on bosses, drug problems, a robbery, gambling, to name a few, but the girls stick together and firmly believe they can get through anything with the help of chocolate, as chocolate can cure anything. I found the style of writing in this book completely different to the previous book I read by Carole Mathews. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and found it hard to put down. She uses enough details about chocolate without over doing it. There is a strong story line with chocolate weaved in-between. The only problem I found with this book was each time a known brand of chocolate was mentioned I craved it so personally I feel the book should come with some kind of warning or at least a free chocolate supply with it!!. I am looking forward to reading the follow up book as this book was left on a Cliff hanger you become addicted and need to find out what happens next with the girls. This book was 432 pages long in paperback and also has a snippet of the next book which I always find helpful. ANY CHOCOHOLICS READ THIS WITH WARNING!!!
Egy újabb könnyű nyári olvasmány, ami nem próbál meg más lenni, mint amit a borító és a fülszöveg ígér.A történet négy különböző nőről szól, akiket egy dolog fűz össze, ami barátokká is tette őket, méghozzá a csokoládé iránti szenvedélyük. Egy londoni kávézóban, vagyis csokoládézóban, a Csokoládé Mennyországban találkoztak először ezek a nők és lettek barátnők annyira, hogy szinte mindent megosztanak egymással, miközben forró csokoládét isznak, csokoládétortát majszolnak, s mindehhez még desszertként bedobnak pár bonbont is. Ők alkotják tehát a Csokoládéimádók Klubját: Lucy, aki a regény legnagyobb részét narrátorként is jegyzi éppen rájön, hogy amúgy se tökéletes barátjával megint gondok vannak. Autumnak, aki felső középosztálybeliként drogos fiatalokon próbál segíteni, megérkezik az öccse, akire ráférne egy jó kis elvonó. Chantal gyöngyörű, gazdag, jóképű férjjel, aki azonban nem akar lefeküdni vele. Nadia kisfiával van otthon, kicsit kezd agyára menni a kismamaság, örül, hogy végre felnőttekkel is szót válthat a "klubban", ráadásul kiderül, hogy férje egész egzisztenciájukat veszélyezteti új hobbija, az online kaszinózás miatt.Szóval akadnak kisebb-nagyobb drámák, amik így-vagy úgy oldódnak meg. Fordulópontokon pedig a lányok állandóan a Csokoládé Mennyországban kötnek ki. Női regény ez tehát a javából, adottak a lányok, különböző magánéleti válság közben, többnyire persze férfiakkal összefüggőben, plusz a nők egyik kedvenc élvezeti cikke köré épül a cselekmény, ami nem más, mint a csokoládé.Mondjuk szerintem ha valaki annyi csokoládét eszik meg, amennyit ezek a nők itt a regényben, már rég nem tudna mozogni akkorára dagadt volna. Eredetileg:
What do You think about The Chocolate Lovers' Club (2007)?
The book The Chocolate Lovers' Club is definitely a 'chick' novel. This book will appeal to readers who enjoy that genre. I enjoy a 'chick' novel once in a while and this one did have some good points. It is a story of the lives of 4 very different women whose common bonds are their love of chocolate and loyalty to each other. Whenever one of them has a crisis of some type in her life, they meet together to share, comfort, and advise the woman currently suffering. What I did like about the book was how the character and life situation of each of these women were developed---Chantal who is obsessed with sex and out-of-touch with her husband's desires, Autumn who enables her younger brother who is totally involved with the drug scene, Nadia whose husband's gambling addiction has put them deeply in debt, and Lucy Lombard, who appears to be totally flaky and keeps taking a boyfriend back who is repeatedly unfaithful. The constant references to eating chocolate were a little over the top for me but then what can you expect from a book with this title.
Imagine if someone told you they were going to give you a beautiful, ribbon-tied box of Godiva chocolates (or better, handmade, fresh cream-filled Mozarts flown over from Vienna that day), you'd be really looking forward to that. Imagine then if with a bright smile, they gave you a family-size bag of Hershey's Assorted Miniatures instead. There would definitely be some disappointment there, eh? And so there is in this book. It's not Godiva, not even Lindt, it's a collection of stories, Snickers, M&Ms, Mr. Goodbar and a Watchamacallit. Disappointing.
—Petra X
almost gave up reading this a quarter of the way through by which point I still hadn't got into....only started being mildly enjoyable by the last quarter. thankfully this was 1 of 3 books bought for £5 bundle so hardly losing out on much. im enjoying the cottage by the sea little better. im on pg 48 of that book surprisingly(I wasn't holding up much hope going on the first 1 of the 3) and it had my from the start. I normally like jane green sophie kinsella but wouldn't recommend the chocolate lovers club at all. there was, also - understandably given the title- too many references of chocolate. yes we know she loves chocolate but it doesn't need mentioned in every second sentence.