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Read The Closer (2013)

The Closer (2013)

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The Closer (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

comment and the applause, Griff scanned the audience, ever mindful of the threat, and snugged a finger against her back. He’d noticed Flanagan and McCann in the audience and fully expected Payne to be waiting for them when they came off the runway. “Come on,” he said. “We need to move.”
    Her nod was imperceptible, but he caught it and, smiling at the room at large, she turned and began retracing her steps. They both heaved a big sigh of relief when they took the last step—Griff because that was one hurdle crossed, Jess presumably because she’d gotten her modeling debut over with.
    The whole backstage area erupted into wild applause the instant they saw Jess. Andre clapped wildly, Clarice beamed at her and both Mr. Pershing and Mr. Nolan wore admiring grins.
    “You were magnificent,” Mr. Pershing told her. “Well done, my dear. Well done.”
    “You must come to the after party,”

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