The Domville 6 (The Domville #6) - Plot & Excerpts
Go, or stay in and sulk?’ I asked, waving the university ten year reunion invitation at him. He stopped watching TV when he heard his name and looked over at me, his eyes giving away no clue as to what he was thinking, before he quickly turned back to watch it again. ‘Yeah, I have no answer either,’ I sighed, looking back down at the white embossed piece of card. Ten years. Ten years, I thought as I stared at the fancy black writing, inviting me to The London Domville ballroom. Part of me thought it might be worth going. It was the same as when I left school, everyone said “let’s stay in touch” but rarely did. Uni had been one of the best experiences of my life, but I hadn’t made that many friends there. Alexis had been my best friend, female one anyway. Then there was him. Finian Delany. The Irish charmer, with his stormy blue eyes and wild untameable dark locks. Not to mention that gym buffed, honed to within an inch of its life body that he loved to flaunt in board shorts during the summer.
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