The Dragons Blood Key: Legend Of The Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1 - Plot & Excerpts
“Why did it do that?” Cassy asked. “Your spells only last for as long as they are needed. Once we were safely on the other side of the river and had no further use of the boat, it changed back into the log.” Roupert laughed at the look of disappointment on Cassy’s face. “Why the sad look?” “I guess conjuring up a Jeep 4x4 is out of the question?” she grinned. Roupert was confused by her statement. “What is a Jeep 4x4?” “It’s the coolest car ever built,” Aaron interrupted. “Car; what is a car, and why would you want one? Is it some sort of wagon?” Roupert asked. “Yeah, sort of; I guess you can think of it as a wagon that moves by itself. You get inside of it and it takes you to where you want to go.” Cassy hoped that he understood her explanation. “I just thought it would be nice not to have to walk the entire way.” “I do not know what this Jeep 4x4 is you speak of, but we do not have them in Walandra. Therefore, you cannot use your magic to make one.
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