"My Gawd! no wonder we're the talk of the range." Jim bent a clear, straight gaze upon his one real enemy. "Jocelyn, the Diamond is doing fine, according to reports from Flag," he said, deliberately. "And I can see how it could do better." "Ahuh. So can I," replied Jocelyn, with far less subtlety than Jim's. "Aw, hell," interposed Bud Chalfack, "there ain't no outfit on the range thet could run this drift fence." "Wal, cowboy, you mean would run it, an' thet's no lie," returned Jocelyn, sneeringly. "All stale talk, Hack," spoke up Jim. "Can't you think of something new? I sure get tired of it. You've got a reputation for hatching up tricks and deals. Why can't you be original in your gab? It'd amuse us, anyhow." Jim had spoken cheerfully, yet with scintillating pointedness. And this remark fell like a blanket upon the company. Most of the cowboys took a bold look at Jocelyn, to see what effect this strong talk from the boss might have. Jocelyn's lean face paled and he bent over his plate.