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Read The Ebola Wall

The Ebola Wall

Online Book

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The Ebola Wall - Plot & Excerpts

Riding north toward Dallas, the two sisters couldn’t seem to stop smiling. Their father shared in the joy, his beaming grin and light-hearted banter adding to the festive atmosphere. The two girls had spent most of the night hiding from the army, utilizing the tips and tricks taught to all of the escapees by the colonel’s men. “Stay in the tree lines. Don’t cross open fields. Keep your blankets and wool mats away from your body so they can’t see you on infrared. Move slowly. Be quiet,” the instructors had preached over and over again.Their father had been waiting right where the HAM radio operators had said he would be. Despite being muddy, wet, tired and hungry, the trio had enjoyed a reunion unlike anything the family had ever experienced. Now they were going home.“Sorry this is taking so long, kiddos, but I want to take the back roads just in case the authorities are looking for you guys. I’ll have you home and safe soon,” Mr. McMillan said.“I’m going to take a long, hot bath with soap,”

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