He was quite content to trot Moses along at a gentle pace. After all, Umkaza was going nowhere. There was no need to rush – quite the opposite to Madame Destine’s thoughts, who was eager to arrive at their destination. After all, it was a place that she had put all her hopes in. Even so, the Frenchwoman was full of optimism as the cart trundled over the dips and troughs. She was far too wrapped up in the pages of the journal to notice any discomfort. ‘Listen to this!’ she called to Ahman. ‘Godfrey Joyce appeared on site again this morning accompanied by his so-called “guide”, a man named Nastasi – a scurrilous-looking fiend if ever I saw one. As hopeful as I am, I do not feel comfortable with this man taking such an interest in the site. He possesses no interest in archaeology, and seems to involve himself in many furtive conversations with Joyce. Whenever I approach, I am certain that they consciously change the subject. Whatever the content of their talks, I sense that it can only spell trouble.