The Enraged (A Jonathan Quinn Novel) - Plot & Excerpts
That was a price she was happy to pay for being able to run her various organizations from the West Coast instead of back in New York or DC. The East Coast had hurricanes and blizzards and humidity. San Francisco had earthquakes—though not nearly as often as people living elsewhere thought—and that was about it. She didn’t mind a good ground shake anyway. She’d been born in Los Angeles and had lived through more than her share of tumblers. Between six and six thirty, while she was invariably on a call to someone in the CIA, NSA, FBI, or the Pentagon, her assistant David—who was not a fan of early mornings—would bring in hard copies of reports that had come in overnight, and place them on her desk. If she was on a conference call that only needed her presence but not her attention, she would begin perusing them. Otherwise she would wait until the call had ended. The call this morning had been an example of the latter, a one-on-one with an assistant director at Langley. After she hung up, she buzzed David to bring her a fresh cup of coffee, and began sorting through the pile.The first document was a status report on field operations being run directly out of her San Francisco office.
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