The Boom-Bone When the Dogstar entered the path of the missile, Rocket and Butch bounded over to the cockpit in time to see a gigantic brown ball hurtling through space at an incredible speed. It was heading straight for them, but Poppy managed to steer the ship away before it pulled them into its gravity field. The object was the size of a small planet, covered in jagged asteroids and blue rivers that snaked across the surface like veins. With the collision narrowly avoided, Poppy quickly turned the Dogstar about and began chasing after the colossal ball, steering through the shower of meteorites that were flying off behind it. ‘I still can’t make out what it is,’ said Rocket, as the ship swerved from side to side avoiding great chunks of space rock. ‘It’s too round to be a meteor and too squishy to be a rogue moon.’ ‘It could be a dwarf planet caught in a super-gravity slingshot,’ said Butch, drawing on the vast cosmic knowledge in his highly scientific brain.