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Read The Horsemaster's Daughter (1999)

The Horsemaster's Daughter (1999)

Online Book

3.86 of 5 Votes: 1
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073940590X (ISBN13: 9780739405901)

The Horsemaster's Daughter (1999) - Plot & Excerpts

This had an interesting twist the normal Historical Romance in that the heroine, Eliza, was not the typical helplesss female of the 1850's. She was raised by her father, and the 2 of them were all alone on an island off the coast of Virigina. She knew next to nothing about her mother, and all she really knew about her father's past was that he used to be a famous/successful horse trainer and horserace jockey. Hunter Colhoun is a tabbaco plantation landowner but due to his father leaving the estate in virtual bankruptcy, he decides to follow his passion of horseracing. He buys a horse, sight unseen, from Ireland, who is supposedly a true champion, but is tramatised by the sea voyage and appears to be mad by the time he arrives. Hunter's wife died and his 2 young children are still realing from the death, and the boy hasn't spoken in the 2 years since her death.Hunter decides he'll have to put the horse, Finn, down but tries a last ditch effort to save his horse (and his "fortune") by taking him to the Horsemaster...Eliza's be continued

Considerably weaker than the first book Charm School , this book has all the elements of a good romance, but with too many caveats to make it great. With a heroine who's a little **too** perfect, a hero who's a little **too** Alpha-Alcoholic, and a pair of plot moppets that I liked a whole lot better when one didn't speak, the story just didn't mesh. I appreciated the connection to The Tempest, but I felt positively bludgeoned to death by the references and meta-Tempestualness.Overall, a big MEH.

What do You think about The Horsemaster's Daughter (1999)?

Picked this up at half-price books while turning in others. I thought it had the makings for a good story: horses and romance. Sounded great. That was before the 2 person rule went into effect. The writer clearly violates the rule, and the story is just not that good, and neither is the writing. Or else I'm simply getting bored with just these 2 people (alone on an island yet), so we don't even have a variety of locations. Another problem with 2 character stories, writers don't engage in dialog as much as in thinking, so now your stuck in one person's head. For hundreds of pages. I'm bored.Thankfully the last 3rd of the book moves onto the mainland and has a lot more people in it. The story picked up and the rest of the book was enjoyable.

This book is slightly different from other historical romance books I have read in the past. The history around their lives is more influential and not just providing the backdrop for the story. Susan Wiggs writes in such a way that you feel as though you are an outsider watching everything unfold before your very eyes. The ending is appropriate and although quick it does not feel rushed in its telling. There are many themes in this book and each person will find something different to take away from it.

I've enjoyed books by Susan Wiggs before (some have even made it onto my keeper shelf), but this one was one that I didn't even finish. I liked Eliza, the heroine, immensely. Her ability to heal horses and connect with nature was a delight to read. Though she'd lived an extremely sheltered life, she never came across as stupid or immature. She was unique in a very intriguing way. It was easy to see why the hero would fall in love with her. This wasn't the case with Hunter, the hero. He was quick

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