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Read The Killer (Bad Boys)

The Killer (Bad Boys)

Online Book

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The Killer (Bad Boys) - Plot & Excerpts

I hadn’t given her a thought while I was out doing what I needed to, but as soon as it was over, for some reason she was my first thought. With some of my anger gone, I was able to keep a cool head. I’d left her there alone after the day that she’d had, that was fucked.
    I’ve spent my life protecting others, maybe that’s why she’s playing so heavy on my heart. I’ve seen the effects of death on others, seen grown men collapse into themselves after witnessing less horrors than she had today.
    I still didn’t know what the fuck I was going to do with her. There was no way I could release her, she knew too much. In truth I should’ve killed her along with her dad, the fact that I’d kept her alive told me that I’d already made up my mind whether I knew it or not.
    Standing over her, I took in her beauty, all those curls spread out across the pillow, her slightly tanned skin, and most of all, those lips that were full and enticing, with their natural pinkish tone.

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