2 Edmund Ludlow, Memoirs, printed Vevey, Switzerland, 1698. 3 Maurice Ashley, Charles II: The Man and Statesman, 1971 4 Edmund Ludlow, A Voyce from the Watchtower, Part 5, 1660–62, ed. Blair Worden, Royal Historical Society, 1978. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 Letters of King Charles II, ed. Arthur Bryant, 1931. 8 Memoires de Mlle. De Montpensier, ed. A. Cheruel, 1889. 9 Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, Life of the Duke of Newcastle, ed. C.H. Firth, 1886. 10 Ibid. 11 Ibid. 12 ‘The Parliaments’ Commission to the Earl of Essex to be Captain-General of their Army’, Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642–60, 1911. 13 Isaiah 21, 6–9. 14 Ludlow, A Voyce. 2. ‘That Man of Blood’ 1 ‘Heads of the Proposals’, 1647.