The Last Dragon Chronicles: Fire World: Fire World (2013) - Plot & Excerpts
David closed his hand around the ring once more. Plain tie stepped forward. He scanned Harlan’s eyes. “You are identified as Harlan Arthur Merriman. Arrested on theauthority of an Aunt. Have you anything tosay?” Harlan stared deep into the oldwoman’s eyes. She was somewhat olderthan the last time they’d met. And thattroubled him deeply. Whatever theoutcome of this, she was going to besomewhere at the heart of it. Why, hewished, thinking about Mr Henry, couldthis dreadful woman not have died instead? “Have you anything to say?” the Re:mover repeated. Aunt Gwyneth put her mouth within aspit of Harlan’s ear. “What a pity,” shewhispered, with cruel intent writtenthrough her auma, “that you will neverhave a chance to see your charmingdaughter.” “My… ? How? What have you done?” Harlan floundered. “Take him,” Aunt Gwyneth commanded. “Dad? What’s the matter? What did she say to you?”
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