I am always ill in the mornings for a short while, but I'm usually better after eating something. By evening I am exhausted and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Still, for me it's a happy exhaustion. On the day before Christmas Eve, I wrap Adagio’s gifts while he is at the airport picking up Jessica. The underlying nauseousness I experience most of the time keeps me from going for drives longer than ten or fifteen minutes at a time. Otherwise, I would have gone with him. I miss Jessica immensely and can’t wait to see her. When they finally arrive, Jessica and I tearfully hug each other. How I have missed that motherly smile and those twinkling blue eyes! I can’t believe we are together again. Jessica cuddles Ingo a bit, marveling at how much he has grown. I know she has missed him and I feel bad about that. At times, I can't help wishing we lived a little closer to one another, but I wouldn't trade my home in Italy for anything. After giving Jessica a tour of the house, I show her to her room.