The girls were sleepy after their late night and were reluctant to get up. Flossie seemed subdued and worried, sensing her world was about to be destroyed. ‘Och, lassies,’ scolded Nanny gently. ‘Ye canna be lazy this morning or ye will miss the train.’ Charlotte felt a flutter of fear in her stomach, like a flock of flittering butterflies. She climbed out of bed obediently and washed her face and hands in the steaming water. Nanny helped her to dress in the usual layers of drawers, stockings, chemise, petticoats and warm dress. Even in the height of summer, Scottish weather was cool and changeable, switching from sunshine to rain to frosty winds and sleet in the space of minutes. Nanny brushed Charlotte’s hair vigorously and tied it back with a white velvet ribbon. When Charlotte was dressed, Nanny gently coaxed Nell from her bed and dressed her, as she used to when Nell was but a small, helpless child. The trunks were locked and standing by the door ready to be carried down to the carriage.