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Read The Lone Texan (2009)

The Lone Texan (2009)

Online Book

4.12 of 5 Votes: 2
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0425230627 (ISBN13: 9780425230626)

The Lone Texan (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

I loved this book. This book is about Sage who was rasied by her 3 brothers. She met Drummond years ago and still sees him as a boy. Drummond has been in love with Sage since he first met her even though he's a few years younger than her. He's only problem is getting her to belive that he's the man for her.Drummond goes off to become a Texas Ranger and Sage goes off to become a doctor, and widow. She gets kidnapped and Drummond comes to her rescuse. This story is about a man finally learning what love really means and a woman willing to give him a chase. Bujug setelah baca selesai baru nyadar klo ini buku ke-4 dari series ini. Pantesan aja selama baca gw rada bgg, kok Teagan ud punya anak byk. Hadeuh..... Elex kebiasaan nih, nerbitin buku ngacak. Untung nih buku rame n lebih seru alurnya dibanding buku pertama yg ud diterbitin Elex. Klo engga nasibnya akan seperti buku pertama yg blm selesai juga gw baca ampe sekarang. Satu lagi yg kurang dari buku ini, endingnya kurang greget, biz kok perampok yg kesannya kejam n sangar, mati begitu aja, trus kemana tuh nasib Charlie dkk yg ttp ngejer2 keturunan Smith sebelumnya, kok ilang begitu aja, agak aneh. Untung lagi karakter Drum so sweet abis, ud cinta mati sama Sage dari umur 15 thn, jadi bikin gw suka baca buku ini. Sekarang bertanya2, akankah buku ke-2, ke-3 n ke-5 akan diterbitkan oleh Elex juga??? or seperti sebelumnya, terbitnya tergantung dari mood sang penerbit utk mengetahuinya. Hadeuh..... T^T

What do You think about The Lone Texan (2009)?

just a few typos, but overall excellent! wish there would've been an epilogue though.

Enjoyed reading it. love all Jodi Thomas books

3.75 out of 5

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