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Read The Lost Night (Rainshadow, #1) (2012)

The Lost Night (Rainshadow, #1) (2012)

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0749958855 (ISBN13: 9780749958855)
Piatkus Books

The Lost Night (Rainshadow, #1) (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

It's no secret that I am a big fan of Jayne Ann Krentz's writing. THE LOST NIGHT written under her Jayne Castle nom de plume is a wonderful, thrilling read. Essentially, this novel is sci-fi, fantasy romantic suspense. The author is quite creative in the invention of Rainshadow Island. Rachel Blake feels at home on the strange island until she passes into a fugue state and disappears into the Preserve for. When she returns, Rachel has no memory of the time spent there. Meanwhile the island is ominously heating with a form of psi radiation. Harry Sebastian is sent to investigate the mystery. He and Rachel connect emotionally, sexually, and mentally, discovering secrets of the Preserve and dealing with some very bad people. Excellent escape fiction. Too boring. Same old, same old, though I do wonder what happened on the Lost Night, but not enough to keep reading. This was mostly bec there was like a chapter lost between when the hero and heroine met and instantly were with each other. There was no build-up, it was just writing by numbers. And really, after as many books as JAK has written, I'd think she needs a break, to freshen things up, you know?It's all about the tall dark stranger and red haired beauty. Reallly her earliest books are most interesting bec she hadn't established her formula quite so well yet. Though the mousy, eccentric smart guy with the devastatingly handsome super-zillionaire is kind of silly. And there is the rampant sexism and simple assault of the heroine in these books too, so it takes some of the fun out of reading them.

What do You think about The Lost Night (Rainshadow, #1) (2012)?

I liked the book, but found it a little bit sliw in some sectiond.

. Liked the story and the characters :)

still love the long running series

Realy enjoy this series.

Spicey! sexy!

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