But Mum had said that Ruby could get him out as soon as the car pulled up at the house. When Ruby opened the flaps, Toby was squashed into the corner of the box with his special blanket in his teeth, looking very worried. He really didn’t understand what was happening, and he didn’t like all the lurching about. The box smelled strange too, sort of new and biscuity. He was glad he had the blanket, which smelled of home, and the other puppies, and his mum. But he dropped it when he saw Ruby and wagged his tail, just a little. He didn’t stir out of his corner though. “Hey, Toby…” Ruby whispered. “Are you OK? Was it scary being in the car?” Toby edged closer to her and stood with his front paws on the side of the box, looking up at her hopefully. He didn’t like it in here. He wanted to be stroked and fussed over. And fed. He was starving. Ruby laughed as she picked him up and he nibbled at her jacket.