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Read The Mattress: The Glasgow Chronicles 4

The Mattress: The Glasgow Chronicles 4

Online Book

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Toddybear Publications

The Mattress: The Glasgow Chronicles 4 - Plot & Excerpts

  “Fuck’s sake, Taylor, did we gie ye a fright then?” the screw hid guffawed, as the bun boy behind him scooped a couple ae ladles ae tea fae the urn oan wheels intae Johnboy’s plastic mug, before haunin it across wae a stale bun.
      Johnboy hid instantly been disappointed.  He could see that there wisnae a hole in the bun, containing a wee pass-note ae whit wis happening ootside.  Fuck Freckles.
      “Right, get yer mattress in, Taylor.  We’ve no goat aw day.  We want tae get hame pronto the night, so we dae,” the screw behind his funny pal hid growled, guaranteeing a slow response fae Johnboy.
      Johnboy hid taken his time tae walk the length ae his cell, laying his mug and bun doon, before dragging they feet ae his back tae the ootside corridor tae pick up his mattress.
      “See whit ye’ve done noo, Mick, ya prat, ye?  The basturt’s taking his time, so he is,” Funny Screw hid grumbled.

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