Mrs. Morales says sadly. “I hope your grandmother isn’t too disappointed.” “She won’t be because I’m not leaving town without the mask,” Caleb says with a determined press of his lips. “If it’s still at that store, I’ll find it. What’s the address?” “Corner of Main and Pleasant in downtown Sun Flower,” she says. I can’t help but smile because locals call the three streets of businesses “downtown.” Sun Flower is more a sprawling suburb with miles of houses than a “town.” But people like to make the few businesses we have sound important. Caleb clicks on his phone, and I read over his shoulder. The tiny screen flashes Wear-Ever Thrift with a map, business hours, and a phone number. When Caleb groans, I know he’s noticed the business hours. Weekdays: 8–4. Saturday: 9–4. Closed Sunday. It’s 5:14 p.m. on Saturday. Caleb shoves the phone into his back pocket and mutters a word I’d get grounded for saying. “I reckon it’ll have to wait,” he says.
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