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Read The Night She Disappeared

The Night She Disappeared

Online Book

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Square Fish

The Night She Disappeared - Plot & Excerpts

At least I think I’m awake.Maybe I’m dead.It’s completely black. The right side of my head throbs.I must be alive. The dead don’t feel pain, do they?Finally, after five minutes or maybe an hour, I push myself up. Big mistake. The side of my head was stuck to whatever I was lying on. By the time I figure that out, it’s too late. The pain makes me shriek. It’s like someone just tried to scalp me.I keep shrieking, only now I find words. “Help me! Somebody help me! I’m hurt!”The words come right back to me. My shouts feel trapped in here, wherever here is. Just like I am. What happened? Where am I?Nobody comes. Nobody shouts back.A warm trickle of blood curves down my neck. How bad is it? I’m scared to know. If I put my hand up, will I touch bone? Maybe even my brain?My breathing speeds up. I hear myself whimpering, a fast, soft sound that scares me even more.Finally, I take a deep breath and put my fingertips up to the side of my head. The cut feels obscenely like parted lips.

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