I think we both had the distinct impression yesterday that several of the lodgers at Talbots’ were not exactly telling us the truth. I am convinced that one of them must have encountered Jones in the past, and that was why the man had to be silenced. The problem is, which one? Who do you think is our chief suspect, Tom?’‘Difficult to say, sir. As you said, they all appear to have something to hide, but if you ask me, I would say either that Miss Martin, or the Cherrington fellow.’‘Oh, why do you say that?’‘Well, I thought that Miss Martin was somewhat secretive and defensive in her answers. I reckoned she knew a lot more about Jones than she was prepared to tell us.’‘Good reasoning, Tom – and Mr Cherrington?’‘Rather too oily. Something about the man I did not like. I would certainly not trust him with the care of my grandmother. All wind and puff, or as we says in Worcestershire “if he was born under a threepenny planet he’d never be worth fourpence”.’‘I’m inclined to agree with you,’ smiled Ravenscroft.
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