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Read The Prince She Had To Marry

The Prince She Had to Marry

Online Book

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The Prince She Had To Marry - Plot & Excerpts

Alex’s mother announced. Alex and Lili were to have a honeymoon.
    Alex hadn’t exactly been prepared for that.
    They were to spend three weeks floating around the Mediterranean on one of the family yachts, the Princess Royale. The two of them were to do nothing but be together. Constantly. They would be expected to indulge in endless and unabashed public displays of affection, which would of course be photographed by intrepid paparazzi circling overhead in helicopters, zipping around on other boats and trailing in their wake at every port of call. They were to sleep in the same room, the Princess Royale’s largest stateroom in which there was only one berth.
    For three weeks, he and Lili were to be inseparable.
    Alex hated the idea. It was an enormous waste of precious time, time he should have been spending with his men. The CCU needed him. And he needed them. They were his purpose, the one goal left to him after the rest of his life went to dust.

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