She walked out to the last tank sitting immobile in the field, the one that had made it the closest. The one that Swede had immobilized, had given his life to stop. The behemoth squatted there in the tall grass. Already it felt deserted, like those old tanks on static display in front of public buildings, empty and dead. Two bodies lay nearby, far fewer than Repeth would have expected, until she remembered that most of the wounded would be Edens – either enemies newly infected by the Needleshock rounds, or the ones on their side. Only the dead – or the trapped – stayed in place. Two minutes later she discovered another possibility. The fourth body she found still breathed. Unfortunately he was hamburger and bone splinters below the hips, and suffering from healing starvation. She cursed herself for the delay, hardly believing that even an Eden could be so badly wounded and still live. She knelt down, keying her radio as she examined him. “Colonel, can you send out the doc with an aid bag and a stretcher team?