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Read The Red River Ring (2012)

The Red River Ring (2012)

Online Book

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Boson Books

The Red River Ring (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

A half-burned body was lying across the campfire ashes. Another body was bloating under a mesquite bush, a Yellow Boy Winchester still held in his death grip.
    Pommel sighed and tipped back his hat. “You know who they were?”
    Temple nodded and stepped cautiously from his mount. “They’re mine. The one on the fire is Waco Bob and the other is Arch Davis. Waco has ridden for the brand for eight years.”
    Pommel read the evidence without dismounting. “It’s been a day and a night, no longer. Looks like there were four maybe five of them.”
    I sent Waco and three riders up here to clear the mesa of cattle and join us at the west box canyon in the Palo Duro. They rode out when I did.”
    Pommel nodded and started his sorrel in a circle of the camp. “Your other men ran this way, on foot.”
    “Check it out,” Temple ordered as he lifted Waco Bob from the ashes.

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