Pussy Cat? CHAPTER FOURTEEN TWISTED SISTER? PUSSY CAT? “Never explain – your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.” Elbert Hubbard“The master of the monstrous … the discoverer of the unconscious.” Carl Gustav JungPAUL’S EYES RESTED on the severed pig’s head. It looked surrealistic, more so now than that first day he had entered Shank’s office. The pig’s smile seemed terribly real, as if it was having the last laugh at his expense. Real and terrible … The unexpected call to Shank’s office, just as Paul readied himself to go home after his shift, threw him into a state of uncertainty. A part of him had the feeling that this call wasn’t in regards to anything negative, but it was so unexpected that he felt that something unpleasant was quietly waiting to happen. He had no other option other than to ride the storm. That was three hours ago … He now sat in one of the chairs in the room, his hands and ankles fettered rope.Directly behind Paul, stood Taps, unmoving, speaking not a word.
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