The Reluctant Duke (Love's Pride Book 1) (2015) - Plot & Excerpts
She had spent the day on pins and needles. Several times she had gathered her things and prepared to leave, only to change her mind and slink back to her room. The summons had shocked her and made her heart race with the thought of seeing him. She knew she would never be happy again. Checking the mirror, her hands ran over the back of her hair to make sure everything was in place and then down her dress to smooth out invisible wrinkles. Taking a deep breath, she left her room and made her way to the parlor. Knocking softly, she entered and was surprised to find Aunt Celeste sitting on the settee, her back straight as an ironing board and her eyes as guarded as an Indian Cobra. Gwen hesitated, then entered the room. “You asked for me your Grace,” she said, addressing the Duke. He stood there in full glory, dressed in his typical tight black coat, a crisp cravat about his neck.
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