Always a center of banking and commerce, the city had been governed by a hereditary class of merchants until early in the twentieth century. During the Nazi era it had been a launching port for Hitler's U-boats and a major shipyard of the Third Reich. Hamburg was one of the busiest ports in Europe. It even had an aerospace industry on a par with Seattle. Business was good in Hamburg. The buildings that had survived the Allied bombings were picturesque, many dating back to the Middle Ages. Canals cut everywhere through the city, highways of commerce that led to the river. Hamburg wasn't Venice but it was still an interesting tourist destination. The drive from Vienna had been uneventful. The team stopped at the consulate and picked up an aluminum case containing four pistols and the ammo to go with them before heading for their hotel. Their hotel was in the Hafen district near the harbor. Their rooms were in the back, overlooking one of the canals.