The waiting room was typical of such places. Soft carpets, light coloured walls, leather couches and soothing music playing softly in the background. It was full of patients too when Lucifer walked in – but they quickly left. They took one look at him, paled a little and ran, and soon it became a stampede. That despite the fact that he'd done his best to look like one of the accursed monkeys. No horns, no tail, no burning hot bright red skin. Though perhaps the blackened marks in the carpet where his feet had been standing for too long were somewhat unusual. And if the truth be told the creaking of the floor under his weight might have worried them a little as well. Some of them screamed as they ran, but they didn't let that stop them running and he didn't let it bother him – too much. Lucifer tried not to take their reactions to heart. After thousands of years in the pit he was familiar with the behaviour after all. And yet a part of him still cringed at the sight of their fear.