The Shelter: Book 1, The Beginning - Plot & Excerpts
Tabankin Sterling VA 20166 Dedication This book, as all of mine are, is dedicated to the love of my life, my wife Patricia. Thanks to everyone who’s provided feedback and support for my writing. A special thanks to Michael and “ConradCa” for proofreading and editing my words into something readable. Cover design by Logotecture" The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual names, persons, businesses, and incidents are strictly coincidental. Prologue The world’s economies collapsed one year ago this week. The collapse made the Depression of 1929 look like a mild recession. Like the ’29 crash, this one covered every developed country like a cold, wet blanket. The economic meltdown started small, as most disasters do, but quickly spread like a firestorm that engulfed the industrial world. Six months before the worldwide economic meltdown we won a Powerball lottery. Winning the lottery gave us the ability to survive and record the collapse of the old and the birth of the new world.
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