Things like this do not happen to women like me. I would pinch myself but I can’t move. He’d taken all my strength, not that I was complaining, if it wouldn’t seem too forward I would ask no beg him to do it again. I was almost afraid to breathe lest the spell was broken and I woke up to an empty room and cold sheets. The warmth of his body wrapped around mine from behind assured me that this was most definitely real, but how? I didn’t want to think too much about what was going on here, because if I did I would ask him to get up and leave, I mean that was the right thing to do wasn’t it? But I didn’t want him to; didn’t really want this dream to end, because it had to be a dream. Tomorrow my life would go back to the same old boring routine, but heaven please let me have the memories. These thoughts and more raced through my head as I tried to hold my body as still as possible.