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Read The Song Of The Cid

The Song of the Cid

Online Book

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The Song Of The Cid - Plot & Excerpts

Historical documents show that the King of Castile had turned against the Cid and given him nine days to leave.] 1  De los sos ojos tan fuertemientre llorando, tornava la cabeça e estávalos catando; vio puertas abiertas e uços sin cañados, alcándaras vazías, sin pielles e sin mantos e sin falcones e sin adtores mudados. Sospiró Mio Cid, ca mucho avié grandes cuidados; fabló Mio Cid bien e tan mesurado: “¡Grado a ti, Señor, Padre que estás en alto! Esto me an buelto mios enemigos malos.”
  2  Allí piensan de aguijar, allí sueltan las rriendas; a la exida de Bivar ovieron la corneja diestra e entrando a Burgos oviéronla siniestra. Meció Mio Cid los ombros e engrameó la tiesta: “¡Albricia, Álbar Fáñez, ca echados somos de tierra!”
  3  Mio Cid Rruy Díaz por Burgos entrava, en su conpaña sessaenta pendones. Exiénlo ver mugieres e varones, burgeses e burgesas por las fıniestras son, [The beginning of the poem is lost. Historical documents show that the King of Castile had turned against the Cid and given him nine days to leave.] 1  Tears were flowing from his eyes, then flowing faster As he turned and looked back, just standing.

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